Berkshire bird news

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You searched for all sightings of Marsh Harrier reported between 01/01/2024 and 31/12/2024.

26/08/24Marsh HarrierCompton2A B Merrick
juv, sub-ad male. Quartering arable fields north of village.  
24/08/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R J Godden
Immature perched behind East Fen. Please only view from the public footpath.  
23/08/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R Dawson
imm male. Flew W along the cut at Finch Pond. Please only view from the public footpath.  
16/08/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1P J Craig
Seen from Bailey bridge, sharing a thermal with a Red Kite and drifting off to W. Photos show yellow tags on each wing. Please only view from the public footpath.  
10/08/24Marsh HarrierLambourn Downs1A B Tomczynski
juv. Hunting over Brockhampton Down then Eastbury Down. Had a skirmish with a Buzzard for several minutes. Also Quail at Brockhampton Down.  
01/08/24Marsh HarrierHosehill Lake, Theale GPs1A James
Heard along SW corner of lake for about 3 mins. A raptor of some description was being mobbed by BHGs in the West corner of the lake about 10 mins beforehand.  
01/08/24Marsh HarrierLower Farm GP1D Andrews
Going west.  
12/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1A B Merrick
f. High over fields to west of track and Thatcham Marsh. Seen with Mike Taylor.  
13/07/24Marsh HarrierThatcham Marsh1A B Merrick
f. High over Thatcham Marsh.  
10/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1T A Guyatt
imm./female. Seen flying just W of the farm buildongs but lost to view behind some trees after c. 30 secs.  
08/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1J C Morgan
Flew up onto right hand telegraph pole.  
07/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1A B Tomczynski
Circled field to west of path and dropped down into a the field. Secondaries look very grey in photo I took. Wonder why it's not a imm male? Tail looked greyish too.  
06/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1M J Dear
05/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh2A B Merrick
m,f. Seen fairly distantly beyond field west of track. Both together at one point when one tried stealing/passing prey item from/to the other. One flew over Bowdown Woods towards Greenham Common, the other flew further west. On reviewing photos and subsequent visits has become apparent that one bird is male, probably 2cy and the other a female though unsure if 2cy or older. Record marked as confidential as there is a chance this might be a breeding pair.  
02/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1M J Dear
01/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1R Dawson
f. Quartering then landed in field to W of footpath.  
01/07/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1N Cleere
ad f. Showing very well, often at close range, quartering fields either side of track.  
30/06/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1R Keel
fem. Heading east and returned west. SU519656.  
27/06/24Marsh HarrierChamberhouse Marsh1M J Dear
f. Mainly brown with cream head quartering the fields.  
24/05/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1P J Craig
Seen from Bailey bridge. Came in high from N , mobbed by gulls & eventually dropped down on E side of W Fen. 10.36 Brief sighting being mobbed by gulls between E & W Fens. Please only view from the public footpath.  
09/05/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1J D Savage
Hunting just north of West Fen until a couple of gulls chased it off in a westwards direction. Plumage uniform brown apart from cream coloured head. Please only view from the public footpath.  
07/05/24Marsh HarrierCrookham Pools, Crookham Common1A E Hickman
fem. Low over the pools mobbed by crows, flew north towards Chamber house fsrm, and possibly dropped down...  
30/04/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R J Godden
Cream on head, totally brown upper wings. Seen earlier by Mike Hubbard before dropping down. Now flying just west of East Fen. Please only view from the public footpath.  
26/04/24Marsh HarrierThatcham Marsh1M J Dear
Low over reedbeds then over canal heading south.  
09/04/24Marsh HarrierNewbury1A E Hickman
fem. Seen from the bridge over the K&A canal ('new' Monkey bridge) flying fast eastwards, high, towards town. Paused to circle on raised wings a couple of times enabling me to see the pale 'landing lights' on the forewing and briefly a suggestion of a pale crown. Notably long straight-ended tail. No white rump otherwise looked all dark.  
18/03/24Marsh HarrierDorney Wetlands, Jubilee River1M Warden
fem. Female flew up river, mobbed by gulls and jackdaws, steadfastly refusing to stray into Bucks airspace ! Viewed from Bucks Dorney Flood on county border.  
16/03/24Marsh HarrierEarley1K Sparks
Flying northwest steadily at medium height.  
04/02/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1M Chegwidden
Please only view from the public footpath.  
03/02/24Marsh HarrierEast Fen, Moor Green Lakes1R H Stansfield
Still present and showing well flying just west of east fen. Please only view from the public bridleway.  
03/02/24Marsh HarrierEast Fen, Moor Green Lakes1J Carson
Was in the silver birch in North West corner. Please only view from the public bridleway.  
02/02/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1A B Tomczynski
male. Immature. 3rd CY. Please only view from the public footpath.  
01/02/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1P Driver
m. Settled in a bush behind West Fen. In flight it was being mobbed by a couple of fiesty Lapwings. Please only view from the public footpath.  
24/01/24Marsh HarrierNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1R Collins
Came in high from east on north side of CLN currently quartering over new workings. Visible from path from car park to river. Female. Please only view from the public footpath.