Berkshire bird news
Search results
You searched for all sightings of Egyptian Goose reported between 01/01/2024 and 31/12/2024.
Date | Species | Site | Count | Observer |
03/09/24 | Egyptian Goose | View Island, R. Thames, Caversham | 3 | J J Kearns |
11:36 | ||||
23/08/24 | Egyptian Goose | New workings, Moor Green Lakes | 2 | M Scarlett |
14:20 | Please only view from the public footpath. | |||
15/08/24 | Egyptian Goose | Englefield | 32 | R Crawford |
07:00 | Feeding in stubble field. | |||
14/08/24 | Egyptian Goose | View Island, R. Thames, Caversham | 2 | J J Kearns |
12:32 | m & f. On scrape. | |||
24/07/24 | Egyptian Goose | Sulhamstead Abbots | 21 | P Hickman |
13:00 | In and around the pools at Abbot's Farm. | |||
22/07/24 | Egyptian Goose | Mill Pond, Bracknell | 8 | K P Duncan |
11:55 | ||||
30/06/24 | Egyptian Goose | Ascot Heath | 6 | I R Oldcorn |
10:55 | 2 ad plus 4 juveniles. Juveniles now very well developed. SU922697. | |||
25/06/24 | Egyptian Goose | Nature Discovery Centre, Thatcham Marsh | 9 | G Stewart |
16:30 | ||||
26/06/24 | Egyptian Goose | Nature Discovery Centre, Thatcham Marsh | 9 | G Stewart |
00:07 | ||||
10/06/24 | Egyptian Goose | View Island, R. Thames, Caversham | 2 | J J Kearns |
12:18 | ||||
08/06/24 | Egyptian Goose | Streatley | 6 | N J Bucknell |
11:50 | pair and 4 small goslings. Thames near Cleeve Court. | |||
27/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Bray Lake, Bray GPs | 67 | S A Graham |
09:00 | Approx. about 50% Juv. | |||
27/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Ascot Heath | 5 | I R Oldcorn |
11:10 | 1 adult plus four well established young. Last time seen, I only spotted 3 goslings and thought one had been predated. SU921697. | |||
18/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | New workings, Moor Green Lakes | 7 | N J Bucknell |
16:00 | pair & 5 well-grown goslings. Please only view from the public footpath. | |||
09/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Ascot Heath | 5 | I R Oldcorn |
11:10 | 2 adults plus three well developed goslings. SU921696. | |||
11/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Fobney Meadow | 1 | R C Price |
19:00 | On marsh then flew north. | |||
04/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Ascot Heath | 5 | I R Oldcorn |
10:50 | 1 ad with 4 goslings. On grassy rim of newest reservoir. | |||
04/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Moor Green Lakes | 7 | R C Watts |
13:00 | With 4 chicks. | |||
03/05/24 | Egyptian Goose | Horseshoe Lake, Sandhurst | 1 | K P Duncan |
08:00 | a pair. on island. | |||
23/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Streatley | 4 | N J Bucknell |
16:30 | pair with 2 small goslings. on stream in wood at Cleeve Court - looks like a second pair, after the one noted earlier this month. | |||
23/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | New workings, Moor Green Lakes | 9 | R J Godden |
07:30 | Pair with seven well-grown goslings near Finch Pool. Please only view from the public footpath. | |||
21/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Moor Green Lakes | 30 | K P Duncan |
08:30 | includes three BREEDING pairs with broods of eight, six and five gosling and another pair showing interest in nesting on CLN. | |||
20/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Ascot Heath | 6 | I R Oldcorn |
11:20 | 2 adults plus 4 young several weeks old on racecourse pond margin. SU929693. | |||
12/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Boulters Lock, R. Thames, Maidenhead | 4 | R C Watts |
13:15 | ||||
11/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Streatley | 7 | N J Bucknell |
15:30 | pair and 5 goslings. on floodwater, southern end of Streatley Farm. | |||
11/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Colebrook Lake, Moor Green Lakes | 2 | R J Godden |
10:00 | On a nest on Tern Island. | |||
10/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Pangbourne Meadow | 9 | A Taylor |
11:00 | pair + 7 small goslings. On Thames bank by concrete landing stage just downstream of toll bridge. | |||
09/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Moor Green Lakes | 22 | K P Duncan |
15:30 | includes two BREEDING pairs with broods of eight and five goslings. | |||
08/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Englefield | 8 | R Crawford |
07:30 | Pair with six well-grown young on flooded pit by A4. | |||
07/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Streatley | 8 | N J Bucknell |
14:50 | pair & 6 small goslings. Thames, at Goring Bridge. | |||
05/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Maiden Erleigh | 10 | R C Price |
11:30 | 2 parents 8 goslings. At southern entrance of Maiden Erleigh School. | |||
05/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 16 | P Gipson |
18:00 | Pair + 14 chicks - they adopted a second brood of 5 chicks (pic posted). | |||
05/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Hambleden Lock, R. Thames | 5 | A N Stow |
19:45 | 2 Ads & 3 young. | |||
03/04/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 18 | P Gipson |
18:00 | Pr + 9 new chicks, 2-3 days old, pr + 5 older young. | |||
29/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Bottom Lane Floods (S), Theale GPs | 6 | S A Graham |
08:30 | 2 ad + 4 juv. PAir with 4 very small duckilings. | |||
22/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | River Thames Meadows at Purley | 5 | S Watcham |
14:06 | m, f. Three goslings. | |||
18/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Fobney Island | 2 | R C Price |
17:15 | West then east section. | |||
16/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Bradfield | 1 | P Jones |
18:49 | in dead tree hole by 9th green. | |||
16/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Englefield | 9 | R Crawford |
07:30 | Pair with 7 well-advanced young on flooded field by A4. | |||
14/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Fobney Island | 2 | R C Price |
12:00 | West section. | |||
13/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Charvil Meadows | 15 | K Sparks |
17:20 | ||||
03/03/24 | Egyptian Goose | Bray Lake, Bray GPs | 2 | S A Graham |
09:00 | No sign of the pair with c10 ducklings seen and photograped on the 27/2. | |||
28/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Wokingham | 6 | R C Watts |
14:30 | SU811672. | |||
28/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 8 | S Lynch |
11:00 | Pair with 6 chicks (originally 8 two weeks ago). Adult male has ring, checked with BTO, ringed as a juvenile on 16 May 2017 in Lower Basildon. | |||
27/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Bray Lake, Bray GPs | 2 | B Reeve |
10:58 | 2 Egyptian geese with 11 goslings. | |||
26/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Sulham | 11 | J Lerpiniere |
15:29 | Two pairs, one with 7 small young in flooded field. SU637743. | |||
20/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Sulhamstead | 3 | J Lerpiniere |
10:25 | Bathing in flooded field. SU624694. | |||
19/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Padworth Lane GP | 2 | A James |
13:40 | On flooded field opposite GP. | |||
18/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Milehouse Farm, Theale | 10 | N J Bucknell |
16:05 | pair & 8 small goslings. on flooded old gravel pit by A4. | |||
18/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Maiden Erlegh Lake, Reading | 1 | A James |
13:10 | ||||
17/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Pangbourne | 2 | A Taylor |
15:30 | In large field between railway and A329. | |||
17/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Searles Farm Lane GP, Burghfield GPs | 2 | E Robur |
10:53 | Englefield Lagoon, seen from public footpath. Please only view from the public footpath. | |||
16/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 9 | P Gipson |
16:00 | Pr + 7 chicks. | |||
15/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Mortimer | 2 | A James |
14:05 | Pair on floods in field. | |||
14/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 10 | P Gipson |
16:00 | Pr + 8 chicks, 2-3 days old, main lake. | |||
11/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Englefield | 9 | R Crawford |
10:00 | Pair with seven small young in flooded field next to A4. | |||
10/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Little John's Farm | 6 | S A Graham |
14:30 | ||||
07/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Fobney Meadow | 2 | A Absolom |
12:04 | ||||
04/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 3 | G Ram |
11:15 | breeding pair and 1 juv gosling. | |||
03/02/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 8 | P Gipson |
16:02 | 3 prs + 2 chicks. | |||
28/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | North Lake, South Hill Park, Bracknell | 2 | J E Warren |
SU869670. | ||||
27/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Pangbourne | 2 | A Taylor |
15:00 | Near flooded area in large field between railway and A329. There is a planning application by the Sulham Estate to convert the regularly flooded area of this field into a seasonal wetland. | |||
27/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 12 | P Gipson |
16:00 | Pr + 7 chicks mobile on main and middle lakes. Plus one pair and a single bird. | |||
25/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Whiteknights Lake, Reading | 12 | R Reedman |
12:20 | 2 ad 10 goslings. Newly hatched brood . | |||
20/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Dorney Wetlands, Jubilee River | 2 | S Kujawa |
09:40 | SU941790. | |||
10/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Woodford Park, Woodley | 2 | R C Watts |
14:30 | In middle of field drinking out of puddles. | |||
09/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Shottesbrooke | 2 | D Cleal |
12:00 | ||||
06/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Moor Green Lakes | 2 | R C Watts |
13:00 | ||||
06/01/24 | Egyptian Goose | Chapel Green | 1 | S Stevenson |
08:13 | Honking furiously from tree. SU811672. |