2004 Bird Report

3 June 2008 | Colin Wilson

I'm pleased to announce the publishing of the 2004 Berkshire County Report. It's available from me for £6 plus £1.50 P&P but members of the BOC are receiving it free anyday now as it's being posted with the 2008/09 season pack.

The Report, best quality yet, with its orginal Robert Gillmor painting on the cover has interesting articles on Reed Warblers at Thatcham, White Wagtail id, (critical should you wish to claim one successfully in the migration period), and about Hosehill Lake, now 20 years a reserve amongst other birds of interest and drawings and photos from the year.

If you would like a copy send a cheque for £7.50 payable to Berkshire Ornithological Club to Colin Wilson.

If you have photos or articles you'd like to offer for 2005 let me know - species accounts are already being written in the most part by Derek Barker. We'll be starting 2006 soon so the same applies to that - all offers welcome.