Pink-footed Goose, Lower Farm GP, 4, 30th March. | NDR |
White-winged Black Tern, Theale GPs, 1, 9th-18th September. | IC |
Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, 1, 4th August. | NDR |
Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 1, 17th August to 20th September. | NDR |
Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, 1, 30th September. | NDR |
Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, 1, 26th-30th October. | NDR |
Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, 1, 14th December. | NDR |
Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, 1, 28th December. | NDR |
Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, 1, 6th September. | IC |
Manx Shearwater, Southcote, Reading, 1, 14th September. | IC |
White Stork, Burghfield Common, 2, 27th March. | NDR |
White Stork, Shinfield Grange, 2, 29th March. | IC |
White Stork, Chapel Green, 1, 11th April. | IC |
White Stork, Theale, 1, 20th April. | NDR |
White Stork, Reading, 1, 25th April. | IC |
White Stork, Theale GPs, 1, 4th May. | NDR |
White Stork, Moor Green Lakes, 1, 4th May. | IC |
White Stork, Windsor Great Park, 2, 14th May. | IC |
White Stork, Newbury, 1, 6th June. | IC |
White Stork, Thames Valley Business Park, 1, 22nd July. | IC |
Glossy Ibis, Cock Marsh, 1, 13th-15th January. | IC |
Spoonbill, Moor Green Lakes, 1, 10th-12th March. | IC |
Spoonbill, Dorney Wetlands, 1, 18th June. | IC |
Spoonbill, Theale GPs, 1, 6th-7th September. | IC |
Spoonbill, Lower Farm GP, 1, 7th September. | NDR |
Night-heron, Padworth Lane GP, 1, 19th July. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Lower Farm GP, 8, 14th March to 14th August. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Chamberhouse Marsh, 5, 18th March to 13th July. | IC |
Cattle Egret, Padworth Lane floods, 3, 25th March. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Halfway, 6, 29th April. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Pangbourne, 1, 8th-9th June. | IC |
Cattle Egret, Caversham, 1, 13th June. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Pangbourne, 1, 1st-10th August. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Lower Farm GP, 1, 8th September. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Theale GPs, 9, 15th September to 30th October. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Windsor Great Park, 3, 15th September. | NDR |
Cattle Egret, Queen Mother Reservoir, 10, 16th September. | IC |
Cattle Egret, Lower Farm GP, 4, 28th October. | NDR |
Honey-buzzard, Confidential, 1, 23rd July. | AR |
Honey-buzzard, Confidential, 1, 17th August. | IC |
Honey-buzzard, Confidential, 1, 30th August. | NDR |
Goshawk, Confidential, 1, 16th February. | IC |
Goshawk, Confidential, 2, 6th March to 8th May. | NDR |
Goshawk, Confidential, 1, 1st April. | NDR |
Goshawk, Confidential, 1, 11th July to 11th September. | NDR |
Goshawk, Confidential, 1, 11th September. | NDR |
Goshawk, Confidential, 1, 17th December. | NDR |
Montagu's Harrier, Confidential, 1, 23rd June. | NDR |
White-tailed Eagle, Moor Green Lakes, 1, 21st January. | NDR |
White-tailed Eagle, Moor Green Lakes, 1, 4th March. | NDR |
White-tailed Eagle, Reading, 1, 19th March. | NDR |
White-tailed Eagle, Benham Valence Park, 1, 14th April. | NDR |
Wryneck, Greenham Common, 1, 31st August to 21st September. | IC |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Barkham, 1, 6th January. | NDR |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Arborfield, 1, 6th January. | IC |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Bray Wick, Maidenhead, 1, 1st August. | NDR |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Lower Farm GP, 1, 7th August. | NDR |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Woolhampton GPs, 1, 20th December. | NDR |
Waxwing, Ascot, 12, 1st-2nd January. | IC |
Waxwing, Arborfield Garrison, 25, 4th-23rd January. | IC |
Waxwing, Barkham, 17, 6th January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Wokingham, 7, 10th January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Swinley Park, 40 (20), 11th-26th January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Reading, 25, 12th-13th January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Keep Hatch, 1, 14th January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Aldermaston, 40, 16th January to 3rd February. | IC |
Waxwing, Maidenhead, 35, 22nd January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Woolhampton GPs, 3, 25th January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Woodley, 19, 31st January. | NDR |
Waxwing, Sunningdale, 40, 9th February. | NDR |
Waxwing, Maidenhead, 12, 3rd-16th March. | NDR |
Waxwing, Langley, Slough, 10, 14th March. | NDR |
Waxwing, Windsor, 20, 20th March. | NDR |
Wood Warbler, Woodley, 1, 13th February. | NDR |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Sandhurst SF, 1, 6th January to 5th February. | AR |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Sandhurst, 1, 20th January. | NDR |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Sandhurst SF, 1, 12th December. | AR |
Marsh Warbler, Speen Moor Plantations, 1, 31st May. | NDR |
Tree Sparrow, Maidenhead, 1, 21st November. | NDR |
Grey-headed Wagtail, Padworth Lane floods, 1, 28th April. | IC |
Mealy Redpoll, Sandhurst, 2, 24th March. | NDR |
Mealy Redpoll, Emmer Green, 1, 24th March. | IC |
Ortolan Bunting, Queen Mother Reservoir, 1, 29th April. | IC |
Cirl Bunting, Marsh Benham, 1, 7th January. | NDR |