The Berkshire list

The following is a list of all the species recorded as having occured within the county of Berkshire. See the notes at the foot of this page for further information. The Berkshire List currently stands at 321.

Red-throated Diver<2000202188RareBRC2
Black-throated Diver<2000201555RareBRC2
Great Northern Diver<20002022 (2023)37 (3)41 (3)Very scarceBRC3
Little Grebe    Fairly common
Great Crested Grebe    Fairly common
Red-necked Grebe<2000202299RareBRC3
Slavonian Grebe<20002020 (2018)29 (1)43 (1)Very scarceBRC3
Black-necked Grebe    Very scarceBRC3
Fulmar1971200344Very rareBRC2
Manx Shearwater188320202323RareBRC2
Storm Petrel1929200388Very rareBRC2
Leach's Petrel1847/820212324RareBRC2
Cormorant    Fairly common
Shag<20002021 (2022)20 (2)35 (3)Very scarceBRC3
Bittern    Very scarce
Little Bittern1826197234Very rareBBRC
Night-heron1976202044Very rareBRC2
Cattle Egret20072022 (2023)40 (14)71 (48)Very scarceBRC2
Little Egret    Scarce
Great White Egret    Scarce
Grey Heron    Fairly common
Purple Heron1861201477Very rareBRC2
White Stork19682022 (2022)16 (2)17 (4)Very rareBRC2
Glossy Ibis17932022 (2016)9 (1)10 (1)Very rareBRC2
Spoonbill19402022 (2022)33 (2)54 (2)RareBRC2
Mute Swan    Fairly common
Bewick's Swan<200020141347RareBRC3
Whooper Swan<20002022 (2019)15 (1)30 (1)Very scarceBRC3
Bean Goose sp.19762003725RareBRC2
Taiga Bean Goose1996199612Very rareBRC2
Tundra Bean Goose19852012731RareBRC2
Pink-footed Goose<19742022 (2023)20 (5)48 (5)RareBRC2
White-fronted Goose<20002022 (2021)45 (2)265 (2)Very scarceBRC3
Greylag Goose    Fairly common
Canada Goose    Common
Barnacle Goose    Fairly commonBRC3
Brent Goose    Very scarce
Egyptian Goose    Fairly common
Shelduck    Scarce
Mandarin Duck    Fairly common
Wigeon    Fairly common
American Wigeon1985200836Very rareBRC2
Gadwall    Fairly common
Green-winged Teal19902004 (2020)3 (1)3 (1)Very rareBRC2
Teal    Fairly common
Mallard    Common
Pintail    Scarce
Garganey    Very scarceBRC3
Blue-winged Teal19881990 (2024)2 (1)2 (1)Very rareBBRC
Shoveler    Fairly common
Red-crested Pochard    Scarce
Pochard    Fairly common
Ring-necked Duck19592022 (2023)16 (3)19 (5)RareBRC2
Ferruginous Duck193820223031RareBBRC
Tufted Duck    Common
Scaup    Very scarceBRC3
Lesser Scaup2007201855Very rareBBRC
Long-tailed Duck19612017 (2023)19 (1)22 (1)RareBRC2
Common Scoter    Very scarceBRC3
Velvet Scoter179520162144RareBRC2
Goldeneye    Fairly common
Smew    Scarce
Red-breasted Merganser    Very scarceBRC3
Goosander    Fairly common
Ruddy Duck<2013202044RareBRC2
Honey-buzzard17932022 (2023)55 (4)64 (4)Very scarceBRC2
Black Kite2001200111Very rareBRC2
Red Kite    Fairly common
White-tailed Eagle18512022 (2023)9 (4)10 (4)Very rareBRC2
Marsh Harrier    Very scarceBRC3
Hen Harrier    Very scarceBRC3
Montagu's Harrier    Very scarceBRC2
Goshawk<19742022 (2023)45 (12)69 (15)Very scarceBRC2
Sparrowhawk    Fairly common
Buzzard    Fairly common
Rough-legged Buzzard19312011 (2019)20 (1)23 (1)RareBRC2
Spotted Eagle1872187211Very rareBBRC
Golden Eagle1924192411Very rareBRC2
Osprey    Very scarceBRC3
Kestrel    Fairly common
Red-footed Falcon197320221112Very rareBRC2
Merlin    Very scarceBRC3
Hobby    Scarce
Gyr Falcon1970197122Very rareBBRC
Peregrine    Fairly common
Red-legged Partridge    Fairly common
Grey Partridge    Fairly common
Quail    Very scarceBRC3
Pheasant    Very common
Water Rail    Scarce
Spotted Crake<197420222225RareBRC2
Sora Rail1864186411Very rareBBRC
Baillon's Crake1972197211Very rareBBRC
Corncrake19742008 (2023)6 (2)6 (2)Very rareBRC2
Moorhen    Common
Coot    Common
Crane19762018 (2023)10 (6)30 (9)Very rareBRC2
Little Bustard1958195811Very rareBBRC
Great Bustard1856185611Very rareBBRC
Oystercatcher    Scarce
Black-winged Stilt19222022510Very rareBRC2
Avocet19362022 (2023)76 (2)139 (2)Very scarceBRC3
Stone-curlew    Very scarce
Black-winged Pratincole1976197611Very rareBBRC
Little Ringed Plover    Scarce
Ringed Plover    Fairly common
Killdeer1984198411Very rareBBRC
Kentish Plover1935198666Very rareBBRC
Dotterel<19742013912Very rareBRC2
Golden Plover    Fairly common
Grey Plover    Very scarceBRC3
Sociable Plover1991199111Very rareBBRC
Lapwing    Common
Knot<20002021 (2023)39 (2)176 (2)Very scarceBRC3
Sanderling    ScarceBRC3
Little Stint    Very scarceBRC3
Temminck's Stint<20002010913RareBRC3
Least Sandpiper1975197511Very rareBBRC
White-rumped Sandpiper2022202211Very rareBRC2
Pectoral Sandpiper194420171919RareBRC2
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper1975197511Very rareBBRC
Curlew Sandpiper<20002022 (2018)18 (1)30 (2)RareBRC2
Purple Sandpiper1983202299Very rareBRC2
Dunlin    Fairly common
Broad-billed Sandpiper1956195611Very rareBBRC
Ruff    Scarce
Jack Snipe    Scarce
Snipe    Common
Great Snipe<1868195666Very rareBBRC
Woodcock    Fairly common
Black-tailed Godwit    Scarce
Bar-tailed Godwit    Very scarceBRC3
Whimbrel    Scarce
Curlew    Scarce
Spotted Redshank<20002022 (2023)25 (1)27 (2)RareBRC2
Redshank    Fairly common
Greenshank    Scarce
Lesser Yellowlegs1953195311Very rareBRC2
Green Sandpiper    Fairly common
Wood Sandpiper    Very scarceBRC3
Common Sandpiper    Fairly common
Spotted Sandpiper(2024) (2024) (1) (1)Very rareBBRC
Turnstone    Very scarce
Wilson's Phalarope1979198722Very rareBBRC
Red-necked Phalarope19322022810Very rareBRC2
Grey Phalarope185120183442RareBRC2
Pomarine Skua18772012719Very rareBRC2
Arctic Skua193420212739RareBRC2
Long-tailed Skua1978201388Very rareBRC2
Great Skua198020181215RareBRC2
Mediterranean Gull    Scarce
Laughing Gull2005200511Very rareBBRC
Little Gull    ScarceBRC3
Sabine's Gull198720171725RareBRC2
Bonaparte's Gull2013202022Very rareBBRC
Black-headed Gull    Very common
Ring-billed Gull198420051010Very rareBRC2
Common Gull    Fairly common
Lesser Black-backed Gull    Common
Herring Gull    Common
Caspian Gull    Very scarceBRC2
Yellow-legged Gull    Fairly commonBRC3
Iceland Gull194020226571Very scarceBRC2
Glaucous Gull<197420216163Very scarceBRC2
Great Black-backed Gull    Fairly common
Kittiwake    Very scarceBRC3
Caspian Tern1979197911Very rareBBRC
Sandwich Tern    Very scarceBRC3
Roseate Tern1967201389Very rareBRC2
Common Tern    Fairly common
Arctic Tern    ScarceBRC3
Little Tern    Very scarceBRC3
Whiskered Tern2005200511Very rareBBRC
Black Tern    Scarce
White-winged Black Tern1948199489Very rareBRC2
Guillemot1904202288Very rareBRC2
Razorbill1948194811Very rareBRC2
Little Auk180720071522RareBRC2
Pallas's Sandgrouse18881908537Very rareBBRC
Feral Pigeon    Common
Stock Dove    Common
Woodpigeon    Abundant
Collared Dove    Very common
Turtle Dove    Very scarceBRC2
Ring-necked Parakeet    Fairly common
Cuckoo    Fairly common
Barn Owl    Scarce
Little Owl    Scarce
Tawny Owl    Fairly common
Long-eared Owl    Very scarceBRC2
Short-eared Owl    Scarce
Tengmalm's Owl1864186411Very rareBBRC
Nightjar    Scarce
Swift    Common
Alpine Swift1955201055Very rareBRC2
Kingfisher    Fairly common
Roller1927192711Very rareBBRC
Hoopoe<20002022 (2020)11 (1)12 (1)RareBRC3
Wryneck<20002022 (2017)24 (1)24 (1)Very scarceBRC2
Green Woodpecker    Common
Great Spotted Woodpecker    Common
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker    Very scarceBRC2
Short-toed Lark1987198711Very rareBRC2
Woodlark    Fairly common
Skylark    Very common
Shore Lark1973199822Very rareBRC2
Sand Martin    Fairly common
Swallow    Common
Red-rumped Swallow1992199933Very rareBRC2
House Martin    Common
Richard's Pipit1967201288Very rareBRC2
Tawny Pipit1975197511Very rareBBRC
Olive-backed Pipit1984198411Very rareBRC2
Tree Pipit    Fairly common
Meadow Pipit    Very common
Red-throated Pipit1979197911Very rareBBRC
Rock Pipit    Very scarceBRC3
Buff-bellied Pipit2012201212Very rareBBRC
Water Pipit    Very scarceBRC3
Yellow Wagtail    Fairly common
Grey Wagtail    Fairly common
Pied Wagtail    Common
Waxwing    RareBRC2
Dipper18032015 (2022)26 (1)30 (1)RareBRC2
Wren    Abundant
Dunnock    Very common
Robin    Abundant
Nightingale    Fairly common
Bluethroat1972200933Very rareBRC2
Black Redstart    Very scarceBRC3
Redstart    Scarce
Whinchat    Fairly common
Stonechat    Scarce
Siberian Stonechat1986198611Very rareBBRC
Wheatear    Fairly common
Ring Ouzel    Very scarceBRC3
Blackbird    Abundant
Black-throated Thrush1998199811Very rareBBRC
Fieldfare    Common
Song Thrush    Very common
Redwing    Common
Mistle Thrush    Common
Cetti's Warbler    Scarce
Grasshopper Warbler    Scarce
Savi's Warbler1968196811Very rareBBRC
Aquatic Warbler1944199155Very rareBBRC
Sedge Warbler    Common
Paddyfield Warbler1997199711Very rareBBRC
Marsh Warbler190919971214RareBRC2
Reed Warbler    Common
Great Reed Warbler1960201444Very rareBBRC
Icterine Warbler1963201544Very rareBRC2
Melodious Warbler1972198633Very rareBRC2
Dartford Warbler    Scarce
Lesser Whitethroat    Fairly common
Whitethroat    Very common
Garden Warbler    Common
Blackcap    Very common
Pallas's Warbler2013201311Very rareBRC2
Yellow-browed Warbler19862021 (2023)18 (4)19 (5)Very scarceBRC3
Radde's Warbler2019201911Very rareBRC2
Bonelli's Warbler sp.1975197511Very rareBBRC
Wood Warbler    Very scarceBRC2
Chiffchaff    Very common
Willow Warbler    Common
Goldcrest    Very common
Firecrest    Scarce
Spotted Flycatcher    Fairly common
Pied Flycatcher    Very scarceBRC2
Bearded Tit<1974201933105RareBRC2
Long-tailed Tit    Common
Marsh Tit    Fairly common
Willow Tit    Very scarceBRC3
Coal Tit    Common
Blue Tit    Abundant
Great Tit    Abundant
Nuthatch    Common
Treecreeper    Common
Penduline Tit1988198811Very rareBRC2
Golden Oriole<18682014 (2018)13 (2)16 (2)RareBRC2
Red-backed Shrike<2000202177RareBRC2
Great Grey Shrike<20002018 (2018)24 (1)24 (1)Very scarceBRC3
Woodchat Shrike1989199122Very rareBRC2
Jay    Common
Magpie    Very common
Nutcracker1968196834Very rareBBRC
Jackdaw    Very common
Rook    Very common
Carrion Crow    Very common
Hooded Crow192020211535RareBRC2
Raven    Scarce
Starling    Very common
Rose-coloured Starling1810201944Very rareBRC2
House Sparrow    Very common
Tree Sparrow<20002012 (2023)18 (2)45 (2)RareBRC2
Chaffinch    Abundant
Brambling    Common
Serin1986201555Very rareBRC2
Greenfinch    Very common
Goldfinch    Very common
Siskin    Fairly common
Linnet    Fairly common
Lesser Redpoll    Common
Mealy Redpoll19362018 (2023)66 (4)138 (27)Very scarceBRC2
Two-barred Crossbill1890189014Very rareBBRC
Common Crossbill    Scarce
Parrot Crossbill19832017220Very rareBRC2
Common Rosefinch1982201533Very rareBRC2
Pine Grosbeak1901190111Very rareBBRC
Bullfinch    Fairly common
Hawfinch    Very scarceBRC3
Lapland Bunting196720192023RareBRC2
Snow Bunting<200020211518RareBRC2
Yellowhammer    Common
Cirl Bunting<19741981811Very rareBRC2
Ortolan Bunting1860s2007 (2017)3 (1)5 (1)Very rareBRC2
Little Bunting1987198711Very rareBRC2
Reed Bunting    Common
Corn Bunting    Fairly common


The statistics have been compiled from The Birds of Berkshire, the annual reports of the ROC and BOC, and for more recent records from submissions to this website. The statistics include records that are yet to be accepted in brackets.


The year in which the species was first and last recorded in Berkshire.

No. Records

The number of records of the species.

No. Birds

The number of individual birds involved in the records.

Rarity Status

The categories are defined by the BRC as follows: