Purple Heron

Recent sightings

26/05/24PURPLE HERONNew workings, Moor Green Lakes1C Gent
1 yr. seen briefly as it landed in reeds between E and W fen only time to study upper wing which was brown with no white patches. probably the same bird seen in flight a few seconds earlier was heron but flight made me think raptor, not something grey heron ever does wing colour suggests first year not adult . Please only view from the public footpath.  


Purple Heron
Purple Heron
Purple Heron


2014Purple Heron, Horton GPs, 31st May. (C. D. R. Heard)
2000Purple Heron, Lavell's Lake, adult, 5th-6th April. (F. J. Cottington)
1984Purple Heron, Wraysbury GPs, adult, 15th May.
1981Purple Heron, Beenham, immature, 9th August.
1976Purple Heron, Twyford GPs, second-year, 12th September.
1972Purple Heron, Manor Farm SF, 17th August to 2nd September.
1861Purple Heron, White Waltham, immature female, September, killed.