Arctic Skua


Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua
Arctic Skua


2024Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, 6th September. *
2021Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, 3, 14th September. (C D R Heard, A B Tomczynski)
2018Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, two, 9th April. (A. B. Tomczynski)
2017Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, light morph adult, 25th September. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, dark-morph adult and juvenile, 14th October. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, darm-morph adults, 25th August. (C. D. R. Heard, M. J. McKee)
2011Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, light-morph adult, 25th May. (C. D. R. Heard)
2009Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, dark morph adult, 25th August, Incorrectly reported as 29/8 in 2009 BR. (M. J. McKee)
2007Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, three dark/intermediate morph adults, 14th August. (C. D. R. Heard)
2007Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, light morph, 27th May. (A. B. Tomczynski)
2004Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, two adult, one light morph, one dark morph and one juvenile, 23rd September. (D. Morris, P. Naylor, P. Whiteman, J. Wilczur)
2003Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, pale morph juvenile, 19th-20th October. (M. J. McKee)
1997Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, dark morph adult, 31st August.
1994Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, dark morph adult, 31st August.
1990Arctic Skua, Dinton Pastures CP, dark morph immature, 7th October.
1988Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, immature, 24th September.
1986Arctic Skua, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 26th August.
1985Arctic Skua, Theale GPs, juvenile, 6th-17th September.
1984Arctic Skua, Windsor Great Park, pale morph adult, 24th May.
1983Arctic Skua, Dinton Pastures CP, 17th July.
1978Arctic Skua, Brimpton GP, two, 30th September.
1977Arctic Skua, Maidenhead, 22nd August.
1977Arctic Skua, Wraysbury GPs, 19th August.
1976Arctic Skua, Tilehurst, immature, 13th September, picked up, released at the coast.
1972Arctic Skua, East Berks, 24th June.
1960Arctic Skua, Ham SF, 27th July.
1934Arctic Skua, Manor Farm SF, 17th October, picked up, died 10th November.
c1877Arctic Skua, Broadmoor Bottom, killed.