Spotted Flycatcher

Recent sightings

13/07/24Spotted FlycatcherEnglefield1R Crawford
In the village.  
11/07/24Spotted FlycatcherThurle Down3N J Bucknell
adult feeding two fledged young about half way between Thurle Grange and car park at end of Rectory Road.  
03/07/24Spotted FlycatcherBowdown Woods Nature Reserve2R Keel
juv. With MJD.  
01/07/24Spotted FlycatcherHyde Farm, Pinkneys Green2B D Clews
1 adult, and one prob a juvenile, at usual breeding location alongside temple Golf Course. SU841833.  
01/07/24Spotted FlycatcherWindsor Great Park1D Sussex
In the small copse between Queen Annes Gate car park and The Long Walk, N end of Deer Park.  
01/07/24Spotted FlycatcherStreatley3N J Bucknell
2 adults, 1 juv. along Rectory Road - 1 adult 180m east of row of cottages near west end at 11-10; adult feeding young near car park at west end.  
13/06/24Spotted FlycatcherCrookham Common1P Nuttall
Heard singing only, not seen. Please keep to the main paths.  
12/06/24Spotted FlycatcherFarley Hill1R J Godden
Again at Great Copse.  
12/06/24Spotted FlycatcherStreatley3N J Bucknell
one about 500m from the west end of Rectory Road, perched, at 15-25; 2 more, just west of row of cottages near west end of Rectory Road, one carrying food at 15-40.  
06/06/24Spotted FlycatcherFarley Hill1R J Godden
Great Copse.  


Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher