Caspian Gull

Recent sightings

28/12/24Caspian GullMoatlands Main Lake, Theale GPs1M F Walford
ad. Briefly before the whole flock was flushed by a fisherman in a boat!  
14/12/24Caspian GullMoatlands Main Lake, Theale GPs1M F Walford
3w. In the gull roost.  
26/10/24Caspian GullMain Pit, Theale GPs1A B Merrick
1w. In the roost.  


Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull
Caspian Gull


2023Caspian Gull, West Ilsley, first-winter, 1st December. *
2023Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 12th October. *
2023Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, third-winter, 7th October. *
2023Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, first-winter, 23rd-27th August. *
2023Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 23rd January. *
2023Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, third-winter and first-winter, 20th January. *
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 5th-25th December. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 4th December. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 3rd-5th December. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 25th September to 25th December. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 24th September to 3rd December. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 29th August to 4th December. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 4th-7th August. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 10th June. *
2022Caspian Gull, Summerleaze GP, first-winter, 24th April. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winer, 23rd April to 15th May. (C D R Heard)
2022Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 6th April. *
2022Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 11th March. *
2022Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 4th January to 20th March. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 20th-25th December. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 17th December. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 9th-24th October. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 28th September. *
2021Caspian Gull, Horton Brook Quarry, 19th September. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 17th-19th September. *
2021Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 2, 22nd August. *
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 12th-25th June. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 22nd February. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Moor Green Lakes, second-winter, 10th-11th February. (J M Clark)
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 24th January. (C D R Heard)
2021Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 12th-23rd January. (C D R Heard)
2020Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, second-winter, 30th November. (A B Tomczynski)
2020Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, first-winter, 27th November. (A B Tomczynski)
2020Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 12th-17th November. *
2020Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 30th October. *
2020Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 26th September to 1st October. (C D R Heard)
2020Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 6th September. *
2020Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 28th August to 11th September. (C D R Heard)
2020Caspian Gull, Jubilee River, first-winter, 18th March, same as Summerleaze GP. (C D R Heard)
2020Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 17th-18th March. (C D R Heard)
2020Caspian Gull, Summerleaze GP, first-winter and second-winter, 11th-18th March, second-winter seen on 11th and 14th March only. (C D R Heard)
2020Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 1st-3rd January. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 28th December. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, third-winter and first-winter, 20th November, third-winter same as 10 Nov. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, third-winter, 10th-20th November. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, advanced first-winter, 27th October. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 9th-12th October, presumed same as 25 Jul. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile/first-winter and first-winter, 5th October. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Summerleaze GP, first-winter, 4th October. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 25th July. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter and second-winter, 15th April, first-winter same as Apr. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 12th-23rd April. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winters, 8th April, one same as Apr. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 3rd-7th April, possibly same as 20 March. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 20th March, possibly same as Feb. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 5th March, probably same as 2nd Jan. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 2, 13th-17th February. *
2019Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, first-winter, 12th-22nd February. *
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter and second-winter, 1st February, first-winter different from Jan. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 2nd January. (C D R Heard)
2019Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, 1st January. (K E Moore)
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, second-winter, 21st December. *
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 1st December. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 6th November. (A. D. Bassett)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 31st October. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 2, 28th October. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 2, 18th October. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 2, 9th October. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 7th October. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 29th September. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 17th September. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 7th July. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, two, 20th June. *
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 3rd June. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 2, 27th May. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 25th May. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 15th March. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, first-winter, 3rd March. *
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 2, 17th February. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 14th February. *
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 2, 8th February. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 4th February. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, adult, 1st-3rd February. (A. Merrick)
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, second-winter, 28th January, also February 12th. *
2018Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, first-winter, 22nd January, also January 29th and February 9th & 20th. *
2018Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 11th January. (C D R Heard)
2018Caspian Gull, Horton GPs, 7th January. (C D R Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 26th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 16th-23rd December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult female, 2nd December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 12th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, first-winter, 29th August. (K. E. Moore)
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 27th July. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, third-winter, 9th March. *
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 18th February to 7th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, 16th February, two third-winter. *
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 29th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, third-winter, 24th January. *
2017Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 4th January to 24th April. (C. D. R. Heard)
2017Caspian Gull, Lea Farm Lake, adult, 1st January. (M. F. Walford)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 26th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 19th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 18th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 24th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, first-winter, 16th November. *
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 8th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 6th-27th November, also 27th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 24th September. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 12th-16th September. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, second-winter, 28th August. (N. Cleere)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 27th-29th August. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 11th March to 1st April. (C D R Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 21st January to 1st April. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Knowl Hill, second-winter, 12th-14th January, also 25 January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 8th January, also 18th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2016Caspian Gull, Lower Farm GP, first-winter, 5th-7th January. (N. Cleere)
2015Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, third-winter, 18th November. (K. E. Moore)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 6th October, also 16 October. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 7th June. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 19th March, also 4 April. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 8th March, also 17th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 14th February. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Knowl Hill, first-winter, 9th-10th February. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 20th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2015Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 3rd January, one 3rd, two 26th and one 31st January, 3rd Febuary, 8th February. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 29th December, also 31st December. (K. E. Moore)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 28th-31st December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, third-winter, 4th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Waltham St Lawrence, third-winter, 1st December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 23rd November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 15th-16th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 9th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 17th October. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 20th-28th September. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 30th August. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 18th-29th August. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 1st June. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Bucklebury, first-winter, 5th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Borough Marsh, first-winter, 2nd March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 19th-20th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2014Caspian Gull, Cookham, second-winter, 16th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 22nd December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 25th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 23rd November. (A. B. Tomczynski)
2013Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 16th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 16th-18th July. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, third-winter, 25th March, also 4th April. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 1st March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 26th February. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Charvil, first-winter, 5th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2013Caspian Gull, Cock Marsh, first-winter, 2nd January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Cock Marsh, three first-winter, 30th-31st December, three on 31st December only. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Knowl Hill, first-winter, 16th December. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 12th December. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Horton GPs, adult, 17th November. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 11th-26th November. (M J McKee)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 30th October to 5th November. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Horton GPs, first-winter, 21st October. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Colnbrook, fourth-winter, 8th October. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 17th September. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 9th-25th September. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 5th September. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 28th-30th August. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer and adult, 14th August. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Horton, third-summer, 13th August. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, 7th-19th August, same as Horton. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Horton, first-summer, 6th August. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Horton GPs, first-winter, 17th March. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, first-winter, 5th February. (K E Moore)
2012Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 29th January. (C D R Heard)
2012Caspian Gull, Theale GPs, adult, 2nd January. (M F Walford)
2004Caspian Gull, Lea Farm Lake, adult, 6th December. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2004Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, two first-winter, one second-winter, two adult, 27th November, adult and first-winter on 5th December; adult on 10th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Burghfield GPs, fourth-winter, 26th November, same as Lea Farm GP. (I. Lewington)
2004Caspian Gull, Lea Farm Lake, first-winter, 24th November, also, 27th November. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2004Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult and two first-winter, 23rd November, first-winter on 24th November; adult and first winter on 25th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Pingewood GPs, adult and first-winter, 21st-23rd November. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2004Caspian Gull, Lea Farm Lake, fourth-winter, 16th November. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2004Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 3rd-4th November, also, 20th November. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, two first-winter, 15th October. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 8th October. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Burghfield GPs, adult, 2nd-3rd March, also, 5th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Green Park, adult, 10th-11th February. (JPH)
2004Caspian Gull, Burghfield GPs, first-winter, 10th February. (C. D. R. Heard)
2004Caspian Gull, Burghfield GPs, adult, 17th-23rd January. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2004Caspian Gull, Dinton Pastures CP, first-winter, 15th-17th January. (F. J. Cottington)
2004Caspian Gull, Wraysbury GPs, adult, 4th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 31st December to 4th January 2004. (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Lea Farm Lake, 15th December. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2003Caspian Gull, Twyford GPs, adult, 5th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, adult, 2nd-3rd December. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2003Caspian Gull, Pingewood GPs, first-winter, 25th November. (M. G. McCarthy)
2003Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 24th November, also, 1st December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, second-winter, 28th October. (M. J. McKee)
2003Caspian Gull, Smallmead Farm GP, first-summer, 14th April. (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-summer, 4th April, also, 17th April. (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, first-winter, 5th March, also, 31st March . (C. D. R. Heard)
2003Caspian Gull, Reading, first-winter, 7th-10th February. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2002Caspian Gull, Horton, adult, 4th December, also, 25th December and 3rd January 2003 at QMR and 14th January 2003 at Wraysbury . (C. D. R. Heard)
2002Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, juvenile, 10th October. (C. D. R. Heard)
2002Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, sub-adult, 29th August. (C. D. R. Heard)
2002Caspian Gull, Pingewood GPs, first-winter, 8th January. (C. D. R. Heard)
2001Caspian Gull, Smallmead Farm GP, adult, 31st December. (P. Bright-Thomas)
2001Caspian Gull, Hurst Landfill, adult, 8th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2001Caspian Gull, Village Pit, adult, 4th March. (C. D. R. Heard)
2001Caspian Gull, Burghfield GPs, adult, 19th January. (M. G. McCarthy)
2000Caspian Gull, Queen Mother Reservoir, third-winter, 30th December. (C. D. R. Heard)
2000Caspian Gull, Smallmead Farm GP, adult, 29th December. (C. D. R. Heard)